The Birthing Tower
Give yourself to The Birthing Tower for a chance of eternal life. Once you submit to The Tower you will become test beings. These various tests will test your body against viruses and disease further aiding our research. You will be placed into our own virtual life simulator while these tests are carried out.

Your genes will be chosen and passed onto the next generation of The Birthing Tower if you pass the various tests against disease and viruses we give you.

Human spawn will be born into our artificial wombs and then kept in optimum conditions in our incubators. These spawn will be the most resilient to viruses and disease; this will make for the best chance at life. This is all for the better of humankind.
The Birthing Tower births new life in allowing you to live a new life in the Tower. While staying at the Tower you are connected to our virtual reality where you will be able to live out your new life. You will be fed sufficient food and water through tubes connected to you. Once you submit to the better life the Tower will give you, you are not allowed to leave, a life through virtual reality will be your best option.